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Title: Combined Annual Exploration Report Warumpi Project EL 6861, EL 6732, EL 10379 and EL 30306 year ending 10 September 2016
Title Holder / Company: Castile Resources
Report id: CR2016-0548
Tenure: EL6861;  EL6732;  EL10379;  EL30306
Year: 2016
Author: Burke, R
Abstract: Exploration activities for the year ending 10 September 2016 consisted of the following major programs: Tenement rationalisation of EL 30306 and EL 6732 resulted in the relinquishments of both tenements. This has enabled the company to focus expenditure towards the core prospects within EL 6861 and EL 10379; Numerous desktop studies reviewing assay results from sampling campaigns in order to plan future programs. No on ground exploration was conducted throughout the project area during the reporting period. Work focussed on regional targeting, tenement rationalisation and on-going negotiations with Traditional Owners and Central Land Council.
Date Added: 21-Oct-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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