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Title: Group Annual Report for Exploration Licences 8766, 23880, 23883, 23884, 23885, 23886, 25031, 25033, 25034, 25035, 25041, 25042, 25044, 26825, 28515, 28727, 28748, 29723, 29724, 29725, 29896, 30470, 30507, 30637 GR162 Barrow Creek Project from 10 September 2015 to 9 September 2016 For EL 30470 from 31 July 2015 and For EL 30507 and 30637 from 8 June 2015 to 9 September 2016
Title Holder / Company: ABM Resources
Report id: CR2016-0540
Tenure: EL8766;  EL23880;  EL23883;  EL23884;  EL23885;  EL23886;  EL25031;  EL25033;  EL25034;  EL25035;  EL25041;  EL25042;  EL26825;  EL28515;  EL28727;  EL28748;  EL29723;  EL29724;  EL29725;  EL29896;  EL30470;  EL30507;  EL30637
Year: 2016
Author: Rohde, J
Abstract: ABM explores the tenement for the potential of gold mineralisation. No on - ground exploration was completed as ABM focused on bringing the Old Pirate Gold Deposit at its Bonanza project into production. ABM continued to implement its divestment policy. Therefore this report covers nothing conducted during the reporting period.
Date Added: 21-Oct-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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