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Title: EL 30294 Jervois Project Second Annual Report for the period 4 December 2015 to 3 December 2016
Title Holder / Company: Bowgan Minerals
Report id: CR2016-0661
Tenure: EL30294
Year: 2017
Author: Price, G
Abstract: The Jervois project is located in the central eastern part of the Northern Territory, approximately 400 km east north-east of the regional centre of Alice Springs. The project consists of a single exploration licence; EL 30294 (Jervois), which is the subject of this report. Exploration at the Jervois project is currently targeting the potential occurrence of economic base-metal and precious metal mineralisation, vanadium and uranium. Three field programs were conducted during the reporting period which included; attendance in the field trip organised and hosted by the NTGS to the eastern Arunta Block, followed by; completion of; 241.1 line-kilometres (49 traverses) of spectrometer surveying (vehicle-mounted), which included landscape (flora, soil type and geological) mapping being completed concurrently during surveying, completion of detailed geological mapping and sampling of outcrops within survey area and completion of a reconnaissance field trip to evaluate geology in the south-western tenement area. An area of old workings was identified during survey work, with a follow-up program of detailed mapping and sampling being conducted. Follow-up testing of rock chips via Niton XRF, spectrometer and via laboratory analysis was completed as part of a comprehensive field report detailing this potential new vanadium target. Future work proposed for EL 30294 will aim to process and interpret all survey data obtained during the June 2016 field programs with a focus towards targeting of potential vanadium sources, such as mafic intrusive within the old workings and nearby areas.
Date Added: 3-Aug-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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