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dc.contributor.authorLarsen, DF-
dc.contributor.authorEmslie, JL-
dc.description.abstractExploration continued to increase the gold resources at the Dead Bullock Soak lease. During the year exploration at Dead Bullock Soak has focused on the deep surface-drilling program and underground resource drilling aimed at extending the Calli resource down plunge. Underground exploration drilling has also targeted mineralisation other than Wilson Shoot (Lantin West and Kerril South) that could potentially be accessed from the existing development. There is a good potential for further extensions of Callie in both west and east directions. A small drilling program was undertaken at Avon prospect to improve the existing resource.-
dc.subject.classificationPrecious metals-
dc.subject.classificationGold deposits-
dc.subject.classificationRC drilling-
dc.subject.classificationRAB drilling-
dc.subject.classificationDiamond drilling-
dc.subject.classificationDrill collars-
dc.subject.classificationDrill hole logs-
dc.subject.classificationDrill hole data-
dc.subject.classificationAssay value-
dc.subject.classificationResource sterilization-
dc.subject.classificationMineral resources-
dc.subject.classificationMeasured mineral resources-
dc.subject.classificationIndicated mineral resources-
dc.subject.classificationInferred mineral resources-
dc.titleAnnual Report for MLS 154 Dead Bullock Soak for the year to 11 February 2000-
dc.relation.isatmap100Inningarra 4856-
dc.relation.isatmap250The Granites SF5203-
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceArunta Province-
dc.description.stratnameTanami Complex-
dc.description.stratnameMount Charles Beds-
dc.description.drilling19 RC holes for 1,644 m (DRC1618, DRC1619, DRC1620, DRC1621, DRC1622, DRC1623, DRC1624, DRC1625, DRC1626, DRC1627, DRC1628, DRC1629, DRC1630, DRC1631, DRC1632, DRC1633, DRC1634, DRC1635, DRC1636)-
dc.description.drilling19 RAB holes for 684 m (VST001, VST002, VST003, VST004, VST005, VST006, VST007, VST008, VST009, VST010, VST011, VST012, VST013, VST014, VST015, VST016, VST017, VST018, VST019, VST020, VST021)-
dc.description.drilling34 Diamond holes for 33555.1 m (DBD393, DBD394, DBD395, DBD395D1, DBD396, DBD395D2, DBD395D3, DBD395D4, DBD395D5, DBD396D1, DBD396D2, DBD396D3, DBD396D4, DBD396D5, DBD396D6, DBD397, DBD397D1, DBD397D2, DBD397D3, DBD397D4, DBD398, DBD398D1, DBD398D2, DBD398D3, DBD398D4, DBD399, DBD399D1, DBD399D2, DBD399D3, DBD400, DBD400D1, DBD400D2, DBD400D3, DBD401)-
dc.description.drilling63 underground Diamond holes for 7505.6 m (X9800_001, X9800_002, X9800_003, X9785_004, X9785_005, X9785_006, X9900_007, X9900_008, X9900_009, X9950_010, X9950_011, X9850_012, X9950_013, X9950_014, X9950_015, X0000_016, X0050_017, X0050_018, X0050_019, X0050_020, X9850_021, X9850_022, X9850_023, X0050_024, X9560_025, X0050_026, X9900_027, X9900_028, X9900_029, X9900_030, X9900_031, X9900_032, X9840_033, X9840_034, X9840_035, X9840_035A, X9880_036, X9880_037, X9880_038, X9880_039, X9800_040, X9800_041, X9600_042, X9620_043, X9640_044, X9800_045, X9600_046, X9600_047, X9620_048, X9620_049, X9640_050, X9640_051, X9640_052, X9640_053, X9660_054, X9680_055, X9680_056, X9640_057, X9700_058, X9700_059, X9680_060, X9950_061, X9950_062)-
dc.description.mineprospectnameTriumph Hill-
dc.description.mineprospectnameColliwobble Ridge-
dc.description.mineprospectnameDead Bullock Soak Ridge-
dc.contributor.holderNormandy NFM-
dc.identifier.collectionnameMinerals Exploration Reports (MEX)
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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