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Title: Mount Peake Project Annual and Final Report 4 December 2013 to 3 December 2014 EL 29867
Title Holder / Company: Enigma Mining
Report id: CR2014-1012
Tenure: EL29867
Year: 2014
Author: Wetherley, C
Abstract: EL 29867 was granted to Enigma Mining Limited (Enigma) on the 04/12/2013. Enigma is a wholly owned subsidiary of TNG Ltd. The licence forms part of TNG's Mount Peake Project area together with EL 27069, EL 27070, EL 27941, EL 28491 and EL 29578 along with ELR 29627 and MLA 28341, MLA 29855 and 29856. The licence was applied for to increase the Mount Peake project area tenure in the hope of adding to the V-Ti-Fe resource already discovered within EL 29578. A literature review of previous exploration did not return any specific targets areas and licence has been relinquished at its first anniversary in order to concentrate exploration expenditure elsewhere within the project area.
Date Added: 2-Dec-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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