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dc.contributor.authorMunro, N
dc.contributor.authorAnsell, D
dc.description.abstractTo delineate prospective areas for rare earth elements, base metals and rare metal mineralisation and define the next phase of exploration, Natural Resources Exploration ('NRE') has carried out extensive field activities and office-based studies on EL 28763, known to NRE as its 'Dingo Creek' Prospect. Field activities consisted of helicopter reconnaissance, geological mapping and rock chip sampling while office-based activities included desktop reviews of all previous exploration across the tenement, assessment of the geology, radiometrics, aeromagnetics, gravity and ASTER imagery. NRE also conducted a site visit to the Alice Spring Core Library for the purposes of testing available water bore cuttings around the Dingo Creek Prospect area. Our office-based studies and field visit to the Alice Springs Core Library have allowed us to delineate prospective areas for rare earth elements, base metals and rare metal mineralisation. The objective of NRE's exploration activities over the next twelve (12) month period will be to review and follow up those targets identified during its first term activities.
dc.subject.classificationRare earth elements
dc.subject.classificationBase metals
dc.subject.classificationRare earth minerals
dc.subject.classificationGeological mapping
dc.subject.classificationGeochemical exploration
dc.subject.classificationRock chip sampling
dc.subject.classificationAssay value
dc.titleYear 1 Annual Report Dingo Creek EL 28763
dc.relation.isatmap100Utopia 5853
dc.relation.isatmap250Alcoota SF5310
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceArunta Region
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceAileron Province
dc.description.stratnameDelmore Metamorphics
dc.description.stratnameLangford Gneiss
dc.description.stratnameWaite Formation
dc.description.geochemicalsampling2 Rock chip samples
dc.description.mineprospectnameDingo Creek Prospect
dc.contributor.holderNatural Resources Exploration
dc.identifier.collectionnameMinerals Exploration Reports (MEX)
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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