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Title: Final Report for EL 23887 Rawlins East for the period 26 May 2004 to 27 January 2009 Barrow Creek JV
Title Holder / Company: Newmont Tanami
Report id: CR2009-0179
Tenure: EL23887
Year: 2009
Author: Pring, P
Eisenlohr, M
Abstract: This report is the Final report for EL 23887 (Rawlins East) and, as such, describes the exploration activity pertaining to all exploration on the licence from the 26th May 2004 to the 27th January 2009. The tenement was part of an area covered by the Barrow Creek Joint Venture (BCJV) between Newmont Tanami Pty Ltd (Newmont) who are managers of the joint venture and Yuendumu Mining Company NL (YMC). The BCJV tenements are located approximately 300 km north of Alice Springs, and are being explored for economic gold mineralisation. The tenements were included in Newmont's Tanami Regional Framework study, which highlighted the prospectivity of the area. A detailed helicopter borne gravity survey was conducted in late 2006 and a 100m line spacing airmag survey was completed over portions of EL 23887 in July 2007. Reconnaissance RAB holes were drilled along access tracks in the west of the leases during May 2006. A comprehensive regional reconnaissance BLEG sampling program was carried out during the reporting period with a limited number of Lag samples taken as well.
Date Added: 1-Nov-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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