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Title: Annual Report GR244/15 Kulgera Heavy Mineral Project Group annual report for the period 14 January 2014 to 13 January 2015
Title Holder / Company: Globe Mineral Resources
Report id: CR2015-0055
Tenure: EL27417;  EL27418;  EL27419;  EL29274
Year: 2015
Author: Lindsay-Park, K
Abstract: Work completed during the report year consists of: A project evaluation completed by independent consultants to a Valmin reportable standard; Preliminary 'proof of Concept' scoping studies which examined several combinations of mining methods and mining rates; and Detailed metallurgical assessment of a two tonne sample of potential ROM product. The proof of concept studies have shown that the Kulgera Heavy Mineral (HM) Project has the potential to operate successfully however, recent changes in metal and mineral values have added more uncertainty. The metallurgical test work is on-going, however the preliminary results indicate that a high-quality (low contaminant) pig iron and titanium stag can be produced via an electric arc. Assessment of the tailings and process water indicates the separation and concentration processes can be achieved with very little discharge into the environment.
Date Added: 4-Jun-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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