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Title: EL 31292 Buggy Camp, Neutral Junction Project, First Surrender Report Anniversary No. 2 February 2019
Title Holder / Company: Bowgan Minerals
Report id: CR2019-0008
Tenure: EL31292
Year: 2019
Author: Price, G
Abstract: Buggy Camp (EL 31292) is located 250km north of Alice Springs and comprises part of the Neutral Junction project. Bowgan Minerals Limited is the current operator of the tenement. Exploration is currently aimed at identification of potential occurrence of economic gold, silver and base metals within an iron oxide-coppergold (Tennant Creek-style IOCG) deposit setting and exploration for uranium within known alaskite occurrences. Known anomalies have been previously identified further to the west, on adjacent EL's 24253 and 29475 with exploration by Bowgan currently focused towards exploration along prospective structural corridors interpreted from regional geophysics. Surrender of 50% of EL 31292 (43 out of 86 originally granted blocks) was conducted prior to the second anniversary. This report presents a summary of all exploration activity conducted to date, on the surrendered portion of EL 31292 by Bowgan Minerals Limited.
Date Added: 3-Feb-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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