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Title: Annual Technical Report EL 27369 Mount Russell Year 3 2011 - 2012
Title Holder / Company: Riding Resources
Bralich Holdings
Report id: CR2012-1195
Tenure: EL27369
Year: 2012
Author: O'Farrell, D
Abstract: In year 3, 23 new soil samples were taken across the central area of the tenement. The aim was to confirm the second year results and provide greater detail. Most of the outcrops in the survey were identified as gneiss and amphibolite. Additional work was completed by acquiring new magnetic and radiometric airborne data. The survey was undertaken by Daishsat Pty Ltd and processed by Baigent Geosciences Pty in May 2012. Flight lines were 100m spaced along a 1350/3150 flight line. The 23 soil samples had a maximum value of 141 ppm Cu, background appeared to be variable, but ranged from 8-50 ppm Cu. The sampling did confirm the previous results and highlighted a potential north-south cross structure. A diagram illustrating the sample locations and a comparison to the year 2 results is shown in the appendices. The anomaly is mostly contiguous and extends over 2 km x 1 km. The soils are widely spaced at about 400m. Infill work is definitely required. Previous identification of malachite chips along the road was confirmed (see year 2 report), small outcrops of malachite bearing biotite schist were seen. These were upto 1m wide. Poor outcrop hampers a detailed map. But the outcrop may provide a central area for detailed work. The airborne magnetic survey data has already been submitted to the NTGS. Interestingly several discrete magnetic bullseye anomalies overlap with the Cu anomaly here and are worth examining. The radiometrics highlighted several large K-Th anomalies. These were inspected and examined with a ground scintillometer, but no anomalous Th was discovered. The survey probably highlighting higher background values. Some additional processing is warranted to filter out the longer wavelengths.
NOTESee CR2012-0880 for Airborne Mag/Rad survey
Date Added: 6-Jan-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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