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Title: Final (Relinquishment) Technical Report for period 24 October 2008 to 26 September 2012 EL 26704 Ingellina Gap
Title Holder / Company: Toro Energy
Report id: CR2012-0811
Tenure: EL26704
Year: 2012
Author: Rawlings, D
Sullivan, C
Abstract: Toro completed a reconnaissance sampling program over hard rock areas in the tenement and part of a regional Tempest AEM survey covered the northeast corner of the licence. No drilling took place on the tenement. Relinquishment was decided upon after a regional aircore drilling program on adjacent EL 26848 limited the possibility of palaeochannel sediments being present on the licence. Earlier rock chips sampling had also indicated hardrock uranium potential was negligible.
NOTESee CR2010-0103 for Geophysics
Date Added: 27-Dec-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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