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Title: Hale River EL 27962 First annual technical report for period ending 29 September 2011
Title Holder / Company: Crowl Creek Exploration
Kidman Resources
Report id: CR2011-0758
Tenure: EL27962
Year: 2011
Author: Cooper, SA
Abstract: The licence is centred 169 km east-southeast of Alice Springs in the southeast Northern Territory. The primary objective of the exploration has been rare earth elements, with secondary targets copper and gold. Initial activity completed has been the collating and capture of all historical exploration data for the area. Subsequent field activity has consisted of two helicopter supported rock chip sampling programs. A total of 98 samples have been assayed more multiple elements, and two detailed petrology descriptions completed. This has confirmed the extent and mineralisation of the dykes. A drilling program to test beneath the siliceous cap is currently being organised. The target of the current exploration are outcropping dykes which are potentially a source of REO, which based on current surface sampling appears not to be contaminated with radioactive thorium and uranium. The recent limited petrology on two surface samples show the dykes are secondary epithermal fine grained granular quartz after possible coarse grained carbonate. They are also known to contain localised copper. These dykes have never been drilled, and are of unknown age (possibly Late Palaeoproterozoic or Mesoproterozoic) and were first discovered by the Northern Territory Geological Survey in 2006. The best sample by the Geological Survey showed the dykes to contain up to 1.66% REO including yttrium oxide.
Date Added: 2-May-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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