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Title: EL 31433 Final exploration report for the period 19 June 2017 to 18 June 2018
Title Holder / Company: Cyan Stone
Report id: CR2018-0273
Tenure: EL31433
Year: 2018
Author: Jiang, Z
Abstract: EL 31433 was granted to Cyan Stone PTY LTD on 19 June 2017. During the last twelve months, aero magnetic data was reprocessed and a geological reconnaissance was carried out in October 2017, mostly for the two mineral occurrences. Unfortunately, the access in the area is not good, mostly 4X4 vehicle using some of the local farmer tracks, then walking for several kms. Due to success in mineral explorations in northern Queensland in the last year, Cyan Stone Pty Ltd would like to return the mineral title and does not want to do any further exploration in the area of EL 31433.
Date Added: 31-Dec-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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