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Title: Eclipse Project GR338 First annual report ending 31 December 2014 EL 29905, EL 29906, EL 29967
Title Holder / Company: Oz Uranium
Report id: CR2014-1101
Tenure: EL29905;  EL29906;  EL29967
Year: 2014
Author: Beckitt, G
Abstract: The blocks are located 182 km north west of Alice Springs in the eastern end of the Ngalia Basin and Whitcherry Basin. Rockland Resources is exploring for various styles of uranium. The main work undertaken has been compilation of geophysics, geology, geochemistry and drilling. Some integrated targeting has commenced which has identified several targets for drill testing. Within the project Arafura Resources drilled water bores in 2013 and 2014, which has allowed some assessment of down-hole gamma data and portable X-Ray Fluorescence analysis of chip samples. No anomalous uranium has been detected.
Date Added: 31-Dec-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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