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Title: Aileron Reynolds Project Area Annual and final report for EL 31096 Coppock
Title Holder / Company: Arafura Resources
Report id: CR2018-0398
Tenure: EL31096
Year: 2018
Author: Hussey, KJ
Abstract: EL 31096 is located approximately 70km north-northwest of Alice Springs. The title was granted to Arafura Resources (100%) on 25 August 2016 for a period of six years with an initial area of 129.66 km2. The tenement was relinquished after disappointing REE exploration results were found. The licence area occurs within the Aileron Province which is known to host various commodities, which include uranium, rare earth elements (REE), base metals, gold, tungsten and vermiculite. The area was selected because it has an elevated airborne Th radiometric signature with palaeochannels draining monazite-bearing metamorphic source rocks of the Strangways Range. Arafura Resources completed preliminary on-ground reconnaissance, sampling and assaying of REE exploration targets during the final reporting period. Geochemical soil sampling results were low with depleted HREE contents. The REE heavy mineral potential of this Th target has therefore been downgraded.
Date Added: 31-Dec-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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