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Title: Partial relinquishment report for SEL 23671 Aileron
Title Holder / Company: Arafura Resources
Report id: CR2010-1148
Tenure: SEL23671
Year: 2010
Author: Hussey, K
Abstract: Desktop studies were undertaken in 2009 to evaluate the mineralisation potential of the project area and outline exploration targets and strategies for 2009 onwards distal to the Nolans Bore P-REE-Th-U deposit. These exploration targets were largely based on GIS studies of airborne geophysical and hyperspectral datasets and the known/mapped geology of the project area. Reconnaissance activities in 2009 included both rock chip sampling of targets and HMC sampling of drainages. Unfortunately the extreme wet year and ground conditions prevented most access and follow-up on ground exploration activities in 2010. Despite these access difficulties, a number of conceptual hyperspectral REE targets were explored within the relinquished area in 2010; unfortunately all hyperspectral REE targets were negative.
Date Added: 17-Dec-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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SEL23671_2010_P_01.pdf832.49 kBPDF Add
SEL23671_2010_P_02_Appendix1_AR09_recon.xls106 kBMicrosoft Excel Add
SEL23671_2010_P_03_Appendix2_HMC.xls15 kBMicrosoft Excel Add
SEL23671_2010_P_04_Appendix3_HyMap_2010_REE_sites.xls11.5 kBMicrosoft Excel Add
CR2010-1148_SEL23671_2010_P_05_ARU_11_008_Figure1.pdf580.15 kBPDF Add
CR2010-1148_SEL23671_2010_P_06_ARU_11_008_Figure7.pdf3.18 MBPDF Add

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