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Title: 2009 Annual report for MLC 3, MLC 6, MLC 7, MLC 8, MLC 9 MLC 10, MLC 11, MLC 12, MLC 13, MLC 14, MLC 19, MLC 43, MLC 44, MLC 125, MLC 126, MLC 128, MLC 156, MLC 157, MLC 507, MLC 509, MLC 510, MLC 519, MLC 664, MLC 665, MLC 666 and MLC 667, for the period ending 31 December 2009 and report on support of renewal of MLC 509 and MLC 510
Title Holder / Company: Sitzler Savage
Report id: CR2009-1168
Tenure: MLC3;  MLC6;  MLC7;  MLC8;  MLC9;  MLC10;  MLC11;  MLC12;  MLC13;  MLC14;  MLC19;  MLC43;  MLC44;  MLC125;  MLC126;  MLC128;  MLC156;  MLC157;  MLC507;  MLC509;  MLC510;  MLC519;  MLC664;  MLC665;  MLC666;  MLC667
Year: 2009
Author: Savage, C
Abstract: No exploration activities were undertaken on the Mineral Leases of the Peko Tailings Project during 2009. Mining and processing activities were effectively halted in December 2008 due to heavy rains and local flooding. In February 2009, the Mine was placed on Care and Maintenance. At the time it was intended to reopen the mine for recommencement of processing operations later in 2009. The mine however remained on Care and Maintenance for the rest of 2009.
Date Added: 31-Jul-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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