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Title: EL 9975, EL 9998 and EL 23624 Renner Springs Project Joint annual report for the period 3 June 2008 to 2 June 2009
Title Holder / Company: OM Manganese
Report id: CR2009-0361
Tenure: EL9975;  EL9998;  EL23624
Year: 2009
Author: Bushell, D
Abstract: Exploration Licence (EL) 9975, EL 9998 and EL 23624 combine with EL 23459 to comprise OM (Manganese) Pty Ltd's Renner Springs Project Area. The licences host outcropping manganese mineralization which was drill tested during mid to late 2008 with a 39 hole, 2579 metre RC drilling program. While significant manganese mineralization was intersected in many holes, it is generally relatively thin and really discontinuous, making it impossible to compile a mineralized Resource. Extensive aeromagnetic and radiometric surveys were flown in late 2009 and the data, which was reprocessed and filtered by a consultant geophysicist, will be combined with a detailed geological map being created at the time of writing to produce a robust exploration program for the future.
NOTEAdditional data available on request
Date Added: 31-Jul-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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