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Title: Combined technical report MCS 13-28, MLS 10, 16, 17, 23, 51-57, 61, 62, 90 Jervois Project Annual report for the year for period 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008
Title Holder / Company: Reward Minerals
Report id: CR2008-0868
Tenure: MCS13;  MCS14;  MCS15;  MCS16;  MCS17;  MCS18;  MCS19;  MCS21;  MCS22;  MCS23;  MCS24;  MCS25;  MCS26;  MCS27;  MCS28;  MLS10;  MLS16;  MLS17;  MLS23;  MLS51;  MLS52;  MLS53;  MLS54;  MLS55;  MLS57;  MLS61;  MLS62;  MLS90
Year: 2008
Author: Cranley, N
Abstract: This report related to the jervois tenements. During this reporting year Reward Minerals completed two RC drilling programs focused on the known mineralisation within the mineral claims and leases. In February 2008 Reward Minerals commenced an exploration drilling program focused on the Bellbird North, Green Parrot, Cox's Find and Reward prospect areas. At the end of the program a total of 25 RC holes had been drilled for a total of 4211m. The drilling occurred entirely within the smaller leases MCS 13-28, MLS 10, 16, 17, 23, 51-57, 61, 62, and 90. Strong copper mineralisation was encountered in several holes at the Bellbird North prospect. A second program of 12 holes for 1744 metres was completed in December 2008. Assay results are pending. The drillers were Arinooka Drilling. All RC drilling was done with a face sampling hammer and all metre intersections were riffle split. The collars were an 8' hammer to a depth of 6 metres lined with PVC pipe. The majority of the Arinooka holes were surveyed with a Reflex ez-shot down hole camera, the data of which is recorded in Table 1. They employed a chrome barrel behind the RC bit rod and the diamond barrel to reduce the effect of induced ferromagnetism in the drilling rods. Samples were either 1m riffle split where significant sulphides were observed, or 4m composite speared. All samples were analysed for Ag, Au, Cu, Mo, Pb, W and Zn. The samples were dissolved in a mixed acid digest and analysed by ICP MS at the ALS laboratory in Perth after being prepped in Alice Springs.
Date Added: 4-Feb-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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