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Title: EL 27639 Plenty River Project First annual report for the reporting period 19 May 2010 to 18 May 2011
Title Holder / Company: Acacia Minerals
Report id: CR2011-0306
Tenure: EL27639
Year: 2011
Author: Rogers, K
Abstract: An extensive literature review is currently being undertaken to give an indication of previous exploration activity and results of that historical work. The information memorandum will be a summary of all previous exploration activities undertaken in the region and will form the basis of future activities to be undertaken by Acacia Minerals. Exploration activities were concentrated on the Company's Acacia and Ooratippra Projects during the 2010 - 2011 field season. Extensive drilling was undertaken on tenements that comprise the Acacia Project and a comprehensive gravity survey was conducted on the Ooratippra Project area under the NT Governments joint funding program. The Plenty River Project is Acacia Minerals third project area and it is anticipated that this group of tenements will be given greater exploration attention during the next and subsequent field seasons.
Date Added: 22-Aug-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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