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Title: Annual report for ML 23868 Harts Range Aturga Garnet Project year ending 22 January 2006
Title Holder / Company: Olympia Resources
Report id: CR2006-0683
Tenure: ML23868
Year: 2006
Abstract: During the year ended 22 January 2006 the company has engaged a experienced marketing manager to identify and establish markets for abrasives from the Aturga operation. This study is on-going and will be complete in April, 2006 and the results will be reported in the 2007 Annual Report. Initial indications are that sufficient market can be identified to move the project forward. A series of pits were dug on the project to assess the possibility of screening the sand dry prior to magnetic separation. The test work was successful. Further testwork on the blasting characteristics of the garnet and amphibole were conducted. In 2006 a complete test on the dry circuit will be completed.
Date Added: 23-May-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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