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Title: EL 5782 Ininti and EL 23414 Worman Rocks Annual Report for year two ending 26 June 2005
Title Holder / Company: Frankenfeld, L
Leaf Gold Exploration
Report id: CR2005-0257
Tenure: EL5782;  EL23414
Year: 2005
Author: Orridge, GR
Abstract: In this report a review of previous year's work is presented. Although geochemical sampling program carried out by Tanami Gold was not encouraging, this was inconclusive since the sampling density was too low. Due to very poor outcrop exposure, emphasis was placed to gain as much information as possible by the interpretation of available airborne geophysical and satellite imagery. This work identified numerous features including lithological bedding planes, axial and thrust fault structures, fold axes, localised Fe enrichment zones, palaeodrainages and possible kimberlitic intrusives, some of which correspond with areas deemed to be prospective for gold mineralisation.
Date Added: 19-Jan-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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