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Title: 6th Annual report for the Barrow Creek Project for the year ending 31 December 2003 EL 10013 Antelope, SEL 10038 Thumper and SEL 22042 Odyseuss
Title Holder / Company: Newmont Tanami
Newmont Gold Exploration
Report id: CR2004-0162
Tenure: EL10013;  SEL10038;  SEL22042
Year: 2003
Author: Walter, M
Abstract: This is the sixth annual report for the Barrow Creek Project. As such, it details all exploration activity conducted over the project licences during the calendar year for 2003. The area covered by the Barrow Creek Joint Venture (BCJV), located approximately 300 km north of Alice Springs, is being explored for economic gold mineralisation. During 2003, Newmont re-negotiated an agreement with the NTDBIRD to modify the group reporting arrangement for the Barrow Creek JV exploration licences to cover EL 10013 (Antelope) and SEL 10038 (Thumper). On 8 December 2003 the SEL 22042 (Odysseus) was relinquished in full. A final report has been lodged with NTDBIRD but work completed during the year is also covered in this report. Exploration activities conducted over the reporting period comprised:BCL, lag and air core drill sampling.
Date Added: 19-Dec-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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