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Title: Final report for EL 10013 Antelope for the period 20 February 2002 to 15 July 2004
Title Holder / Company: Newmont Tanami
Newmont Gold Exploration
Report id: CR2004-0510
Tenure: EL10013
Year: 2004
Author: Parker, F
Abstract: This is the final report for the EL 10013 Antelope. As such, it details all exploration activity conducted over the project licences during the tenure from grant (20th February 2002 to when it was surrendered on 15th July 2004). The area covered, located approximately 300km north of Alice Springs, is being explored for economic gold mineralisation. Exploration activities conducted over the reporting period comprised: 50 bulk cyanide leach, 3 lag and 157 samples from 8 air ore holes. The area was covered by SEL 24032.
Date Added: 15-Nov-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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SEL10013_200409_01.pdf520.8 kBPDF Add
SEL10013_200409_02_COLLAR.DAT4.06 kBUnknown Add
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SEL10013_200409_04_GEOLOGY.DAT28 kBUnknown Add
SEL10013_200409_05_ASSAY.DAT14.36 kBUnknown Add
SEL10013_200409_06_SURFACESAMPLES.DAT19.49 kBUnknown Add
SEL10013_200409_07_SURFACEGEOLOGY.DAT2.07 kBUnknown Add
SEL10013_200409_08_STRUCTURE.DAT1.25 kBUnknown Add

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