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Title: EL 28838 Bundey River North from 6 February 2012 to 5 February 2016, Partial relinquishment report
Title Holder / Company: Gempart
Report id: CR2016-0050
Tenure: EL28838
Year: 2016
Author: Mackie, AW
Abstract: A program of regional reconnaissance combined with detailed analysis of relevant open file located digital geophysical data was implemented i.e. filtering/re-imaging above data to assist basement structural interpretation aided by depth to basement computations during second year of tenure. Modelling, image processing and interpretation of 500m l.s. TMI/Radiometric regional data highlighted an interesting northwest trending magnetic linear shear zone trending across southern part of licence area from southeast to northwest requiring further investigation for potential IOCG Uranium mineralisation. However detailed third year geophysical analysis including additional depth to basement calculations concluded potentially prospective Jinka Domain-hosted AMAG features located on or adjacent to above NW-trending shear zone were at prohibitive sub surface depths cost-wise and therefore beyond financial scope of Gempart(NT)P/L also the highly elevated uranium channel anomaly over sub cropping Mt Swan Granite butting up to north west-trending regional shear zone has essentially disappeared within the northern (2) relinquished sub blocks.
Date Added: 9-Aug-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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