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Title: Final report for EL 7928 Crawford for the period 5 March 1993 to 17 May 2002
Title Holder / Company: Newmont Gold Exploration
Normandy NFM
Yuendumu Mining Company
Report id: CR2002-0344
Tenure: EL7928
Year: 2002
Author: Walter, M
Abstract: EL 7928 is located app. 200 km south of Tennant Creek and is being explored for economic gold mineralisation. This report summarises exploration activities carried out during the license life and refers for details to the annual reports. Work completed during 1993 and 2002 included soil, rock chip and downhole sampling, drilling programs, geophysical surveys and regolith study. No field work has been carried out during the 2001/02 field seasons as much of the area is within a Sacred Site Application. Normandy considered that it was not possible to conduct any meaningful exploration within this area. Nevertheless, results obtained up to date did not delineate the significant gold mineralisation.
Date Added: 9-Jun-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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