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Title: Manbarrum Project Second combined annual report for the period ending 24 September 2008
Title Holder / Company: Tennant Creek Gold
Report id: CR2008-0799
Tenure: EL24395;  EL25470;  EL25646;  A24518;  A26581
Year: 2008
Author: McIntyre, D
Rodda, A
Abstract: The core focus of TNG's exploration programs to date has been the delineation of the Sandy Creek Zn/Pb/Ag deposit, located in the south west corner of the Manbarrum Project area and exploration of additional geophysical and geochemical targets within the broader tenement area which represent priority exploration targets for further MVT-style mineralisation. Metallurgical testwork on drill core from Sandy Creek and Djibitgin commenced and an extensive gravity survey that included detailed surveying of the Sandy Creek and Djibitgun prospect areas was completed. In addition an extensive rock chip sampling program over a number of other priority prospects commenced.
Date Added: 22-Feb-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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