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Title: Ascot Bore EL 27435 Annual technical report for period 13 April 2010 to 12 April 2011
Title Holder / Company: Mithril Resources
Report id: CR2011-0146
Tenure: EL27435
Year: 2011
Author: McKinnon-Matthews, J
Abstract: The project area is located approximately 200 km east northeast of Alice Springs, south of the Plenty Highway as forms part of Mithril's larger Huckitta project. No field work was conducted on the tenement during the reporting period primarily due to excessive rain over the project area during the year making 4wd access for much of the year difficult over station tracks. In addition to this Mithril made a number of significant discoveries elsewhere on the Huckitta Project and exploration resources were focussed here. During the 2011-12 exploration year Mithril plans to complete geological reconnaissance mapping and sampling over the tenement area followed by ground or airborne geophysics (magnetics and/or EM).
Date Added: 27-Jul-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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