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Title: Manbarrum Project Relinquishment report EL 25470 5 March 2007 to 6 March 2015
Title Holder / Company: Tennant Creek Gold
Report id: CR2015-0200
Tenure: EL25470
Year: 2015
Author: Wetherley, C
Abstract: On-ground exploration across the licence area has comprised two phases of gravity geophysical surveys. Approximately 75 percent of this tenement is covered by Coastal Deposits: mud, silt, evaporates, Sheetwash: Sand, gravel and silt and Black soil plains and tidal drainage, which have impeded traditional field exploration. As a result, only limited exploration activities were achieved on the licence area and based on all available data the chance of MVT style mineralisation occurring within the inaccessible portions of the licence area was considered low and relinquishment recommended.
NOTESee CR2007-0479 and CR2008-0799 for Gravity Surveys
Date Added: 26-Jul-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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