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Title: Altjawarra Craton Diamond Project Combined annual report for period ending 30 April 2005
Title Holder / Company: Elkedra Diamonds
Report id: CR2005-0144
Tenure: EL22530;  EL22531;  EL22532;  EL22534;  EL22535;  EL22537;  EL22538;  EL22542;  EL22544;  EL22545;  EL22547;  EL23202;  EL23965
Year: 2005
Author: Leadbeatter, J
Abstract: Exploration work comprised 35.8 km of ground magnetic surveying to test the response of interpreted palaeodrainage channels and one circular anomaly. The technique was not successful in defining the palaeodrainage channels, probably due to a combination of surface noise from modern transported surface material and lack of background data from either side of the palaeochannels. An extensive RAB and auger drilling programme comprising 230 RAB holes and 1 auger hole for a total of 2505 metres of drilling was completed. This programme again targeted the palaeodrainage channels and was designed to better define the geology and provide sample material for heavy mineral analysis. Two other anomalies were also drilled. Selected intervals were analysed and results were generally disappointing, with only 2 chromites recovered from the macro fraction. Microdiamond analysis results are still outstanding.
Date Added: 20-Oct-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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