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Title: EL 8645 Annual report for second year of licence 28 February 1987 to 27 February 1988
Title Holder / Company: Harlock
Report id: CR1988-0098
Tenure: EL4845
Year: 1988
Author: Hickey, SH
Abstract: The second year's programme has included: Stream sediment sampling in locations close to the quartz ironstone outcrops on the Glenluckie Prospect; More detailed quartz-ironstone outcrop rock chip sampling over the Glenluckie Prospect; and Costean sampling from ten east-west trenches in the northwest corner of the exploration licence. The costeans were dug west of the tenement MLN 543 where the Sundance Mine is located. Sampling was carried out to further delineate the Sundance-type karst-related gold mineralisation mined at Sundance and stratiform gold mineralisation similar to that of Golden Dyke and Cosmopolitan Howley Mines. The stream sediment sampling programme revealed some isolated anomalous values in the Glenluckie Prospect area. The isolated results seem to point to a specific geologic outcrop as the source material. A logical geologic or mineralisation theory is difficult to outline. The geologic unit responsible for the anomalous values is the Koolpin Formation. The rock chip sampling programme also revealed a few isolated anomalous values. Only one significant result arose from the costean sampling programme.
Date Added: 14-Apr-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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