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Title: EL 4773 Annual report for third year of tenure 12 July 1987 to 11 July 1988 and EL 4578 Annual report for fourth year of tenure 3 September 1987 to 2 September 1988
Title Holder / Company: Kintaro Gold
Report id: CR1988-0257
Tenure: EL4773;  EL4578
Year: 1988
Author: Hickey, SH
Abstract: EL 4578 and EL 4773 lie in the extreme southeast corner of the Noonamah 100:000 map sheet. A common prospect name for the licences is Rustlers Roost, although there are numerous prospects within the two licence areas. On behalf of the licence holders and Kintaro Gold, staff of Eupene Exploration Enterprises Pty Ltd have undertaken a detailed exploration programme during the 1987 and 1988 field season. Work undertaken has included: 1:15 000 coloured aerial photos; Stream sediment sampling programme over all the drainage on EL 4578 and EL 4773; Detailed 'blow line' and costean sampling programme; Prospect sampling programme; Survey programme of 'blow lines', costeans and lease lines; and Geological Interpretation of licence areas. A total of 3187 samples were taken of stream sediment and rock chip samples for analysis for gold. In the process of taking rock chip samples for analyses for gold. In the process of taking rock chip samples, 20 'blow lines' and 43 costeans were constructed. Total metreage sampled was approximately 7379 metres. The results from the gold exploration programme undertaken during 1988 are very encouraging. Five major prospects have been identified, three of which (Dolly Pot, Sweat Ridge and Backhoe) have recorded gold averages between 0.80 and 3 grams per tonne over sections between 4 and 110 metres long. The rest of the licence areas will be further sampled using costeans as suitable prospects are identified.
NOTEData incomplete
Date Added: 14-Apr-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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