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Title: Annual Report on MLN's 414 to 418 Quest 155 for the period ending 26 February 1987 to 25 February 1988
Title Holder / Company: WR Grace Australia
Report id: CR1988-0068
Tenure: MLN414;  MLN415;  MLN416;  MLN417;  MLN418
Year: 1988
Author: Hancock, S
Abstract: Activity during 1987 was focussed at the completion of percussion drill testing, reverse circulation, of the target zone and included: accurate ground location of all drill collars at the prospect and the establishment of a local surveyed grid to rectify minor distortions in the previous reconnaissance grid prior to generation of detailed sections for calculations; RC percussion evaluation of the up-dip potential of the Quest 155 upper contact vein system; and Testing for any gold enrichment associated with the strong fault zone which bounds the northern end of the target area and at the northern end of the Quest 155 south vein. The first programme was completed by a survey team from Survey and Mapping Group - Darwin. The collar positions on local grid at the prospect for RQUl to RQU30 and RQU32 and 33 have been compiled and these data have been used in compilation of cross-sections. A.H.D. (Australian Height Datum) and AMG were derived by E.D.M. from the trig-station at Mount Paqualin which was visible from the local grid datum. The second programme was completed by a Western Mining Corporation-Exploration Division Schromm T685 percussion rig with considerable drilling difficulties and by a contract percussion rig - modified H22 operated by J and P Hickey (Darwin). The total programme comprised 12 holes for 792 metres RC percussion. One metre down-hole bulk samples were cycloned and split to 3-5kg on site for analysis by W.M.C. Laboratory at Ballarat (Victoria) with detection limit at 20ppb Au and precision +- 15 percent nominal. The third programme was unsuccessful, none of the three holes attempted - RQU 22, 23 and 36 was completed to target depth due to drilling difficulty. Those targets will have to be tested by diamond drilling in the future. Data available to November, 1987 were interpreted to calculate an approximate geological resource for the main contact mineralized zone at Quest 155 north. Data obtained subsequently to this date: RQU-31, 35 and 36 have not significantly changed this calculated resource.
Date Added: 14-Apr-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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