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Title: Combined annual report for period ending 12 February 2012, EL 9725 and EL 10136 Hammer Hill project
Title Holder / Company: Arafura Resources
Report id: CR2012-0190
Tenure: EL9725;  EL10136
Year: 2012
Author: Hussey, KJ
Abstract: Most of the 2011 exploration activities were focused on EL 9725. Arafura acquired a detailed 100 metres-spaced, low-level N/S airborne geophysical survey in 2011 over the Holsteins REE prospect in the western part of EL 9725. Apart from minor office-based studies no other work was done on EL 10136 in 2011. No on-ground field work was conducted in the project area during the previous reporting term due to extensive exploration drilling activities at Nolans Bore. Reconnaissance fieldwork to review the Holsteins REE prospect and follow up Dow's 2010 targets was initially planned for the latter part of 2011, but a significant revision and extension of the Nolans Bore drill program meant that staff and resources were not available.
Date Added: 14-Apr-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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