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Title: Final group report 2013, Barkly Group Project, year ending 5 March 2013
Title Holder / Company: Natural Resources Exploration
Report id: CR2013-0202
Tenure: EL27653;  EL27659;  EL27665;  EL27666;  EL27667;  EL27668;  EL27669;  EL27670;  EL27671;  EL27672;  EL27673;  EL27819
Year: 2013
Author: Munro, N
Abstract: This Final Group Report for the Barkly Project relates to thirteen (13) exploration licences 27647, 27653, 27659, 27665, 27666, 27667, 27668, 27669, 27670, 27671, 27672, 27673 and 27819. The purpose of the following Final Group Report is to provide a summary of the activities carried out over the entire area up to the time when a majority of the titles ceased to be in force, including any results produced by those activities. All thirteen (13) licences will be referred to as 'the Barkly Project', unless specific attributes of each individual licence are discussed then is such case the individual project name and number will be identified. NRE recently amalgamated a majority of the ELs within this Group along with other ELs in the area which area operated by NRE. In doing so, the ELs within the original Barkly Project have now been amalgamated and 'replacement titles' have been issued. The Barkly Annual Group Report GR 167 for 2014 will report on the remainder of the original Barkly Project as well as the replacement titles. NRE is exploring for phosphate, uranium and diamonds in the Northern Territory's Barkly Sub-basin within the central Georgina Basin. A number of the Barkly Project licences are near proven phosphate prospects at Highland Plains, Alexandria, Alroy and Buchanan Dam. Available geological information, subsurface drill and borehole information and geophysical data including airborne magnetics, gravity and radiometrics were collated for the area and evaluated in the context of published models for the formation of phosphate in shallow marine shelf environments. NRE's exploration activities also included two (2) helicopter assisted reconnaissance programs, soil sampling, geological mapping and associated rock chip sampling, analysis of water bore cuttings on a regional scale as well as phosphate horizon mapping on a regional scale. NRE was able to integrate and collate the results of the specialised phosphate study with all available geological, geophysical and drill and bore hole data and identify various targets for its limited Reverse Circulation Drilling program. NRE has been able to establish the sedimentological and structural controls constraining phosphate deposition, use the sedimentological, stratigraphic and structural models to assess the phosphate potential of the Barkly Project and develop a design for a limited Reverse Circulation Drilling program to better constrain prospective targets within NRE's Barkly Project.
NOTESee CR2011-0270 for sampling data
Date Added: 18-Dec-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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