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Title: Annual report for Quartz Hill Project for the period 6 April 2008 to 5 April 2009
Title Holder / Company: Newera Uranium
Report id: CR2009-0162
Tenure: EL25674;  EL26046;  EL26047;  EL26048;  EL24838;  EL25296
Year: 2009
Author: McMahon, J
Hill, M
Abstract: The project is located about 150 km ENE of Alice Springs and 46 km SE of the Harts Range settlement. The Project lies within the eastern Arunta Region in the southern NT, towards the south western flank of the Entia Dome. Exploration activities carried out in the reporting period includes open file research, Landsat TM acquisition and processing, GIS review and target generation and rock chip sampling primarily for REE and uranium. Rock chip sampling of the Spartacus REE prospect failed to locate any areas of uranium or REE mineralisation. Further GIS work is required to assess any further mineral potential within the project. The work done discounted some of the tenements' potential whilst more work is needed for other target areas which could not be accessed during this reporting period.
Date Added: 7-Nov-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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