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Title: Year 1 Annual and final, 17 May 2012 to 24 April 2013, Atartinga EL 28330
Title Holder / Company: Natural Resources Exploration
Report id: CR2013-0283
Tenure: EL28330
Year: 2013
Author: Munro, N
Abstract: In order to define the next phase of exploration, NRE's exploration program for the first term of its Atartinga Prospect consisted of extensive desktop studies and a historic review of previous exploration over the tenure area. Our studies during this first term have allowed us to delineate prospective areas for potential rare earth elements and uranium mineralisation. NRE also conducted XRF and ALS analysis of water bore cuttings previously drilling in the region and held at the Alice Springs Core Facility in an attempt to use innovative methods to obtain more information for the region. To delineate prospective areas and define the next phase of exploration, NRE, aided by Terra Search Pty Ltd also carried out a reconnaissance helicopter assisted field trip of its Atartinga Prospect during September 2011. A number of field targets were assessed a across the tenement and geological mapping of the area was carried out.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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