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Title: Group report for period 9 January 2012 to 8 January 2013
Title Holder / Company: Auvex Georgina
South Boulder Mines
Auvex Manganese
Report id: CR2013-0058
Tenure: EL26904;  EL27044
Year: 2013
Author: Bryans, C
Abstract: During the reporting period, exploration activities within the Reporting Group GR156/10 tenements consisted of an airborne electromagnetics survey and the completion of a RC drilling programme. Previous exploration activities had identified a priority base metal exploration target within EL 27314 and EL 27044. The priority target was associated with a northwest trending basement structures, positive magnetic anomalism (basement high) with a coincident gravity high, anomalous geochemical trends (including manganese anomalism), and a disconformity at the base of Cambro-Ordovician Tomahawk Formation (Delamerian Orogeny). An airborne electromagnetic survey was flown over the priority target area. The survey identified a series of linear features associated with a deeper weathering profile over faults. Three of the electromagnetic anomalies with stronger depth signatures, suggestive of increased conductivity zones at the Tomahawk Formation disconformity, were further evaluated by RC drilling. No significant base metal mineralisation was intersected. The Project tenement package was reduced in size by relinquishment and/or partial reduction, the areas retained being those considered prospective for near-surface manganese mineralization.
NOTESee CR2013-0008 for Airborne EM survey
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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GR156-10_2012_A_01_DrillCollar.txt2.13 kBText Add
GR156-10_2012_A_02_Litholog.txt75.78 kBText Add
GR156-10_2012_A_03_DownholeGeochem.txt7.74 kBText Add
GR156-10_2012_A_04_QAQC_Geochem.txt3.53 kBText Add
GR156-10_2012_A_06_LithologyCodes.xlsx25.61 kBMicrosoft Excel XML Add
GR156-10_2013_A_07_AA1262_EMSurveyReport.pdf4.74 MBPDF Add
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