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Title: Year 1 Annual report 8 July 2011 to 7 July 2012 Paradise Bore EL 28396
Title Holder / Company: Natural Resources Exploration
Report id: CR2012-0557
Tenure: EL28396
Year: 2012
Author: Munro, N
Abstract: NRE has carried out a detailed geological assessment of EL 28396, more commonly known to NRE as its Paradise Bore? Prospect, during the first year of grant. NRE?s exploration activities during this first term included extensive desktop based studies and evaluation of potential mineralisation prior to NRE conducting a helicopter reconnaissance program to evaluate the tenement, introduce themselves to landowners and conduct geological mapping on the tenement. NRE?s extensive desktop studies included research, review and compilation of the data in the Northern Territory Geological Services? ( NTGS?) open file reports, air photo imagery and examination and interpretation of the latest geological maps. NRE?s targeted areas for ground evaluation during this program was on the basis of previous geophysical surveys, in particular aeromagnetics and radiometrics. Geological observations and photographs were recorded at each site. NRE?s exploration rationale and objectives for its Paradise Bore Prospect initially considered the evaluation of phosphate mineralisation however the results obtained from its field based activities have now identified a need for NRE to investigate the possibility of base mineralisation. Investigations during the first year were intended to locate any possible areas of surface or shallow subsurface (<30m) mineralisation across the tenement. NRE?s current activities indicate that there could be a possibility of shallow subsurface mineralisation within the tenement and therefore require additional delineation of targets for follow up work. NRE?s activities during the first year of grant have been a great success and have delineated areas for further exploration activities to be conducted during the second term.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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