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Title: Partial relinquishment report for EL 24503 'Mount Watt' for the period 13 October 2005 to 12 October 2009
Title Holder / Company: Northern Mining
Report id: CR2009-0858
Tenure: EL24503
Year: 2009
Author: Green, M
Abstract: EL 24503 is part of Northern Mining Limited's 'Finke Project' in Central Australia and is considered prospective for various styles of mineralisation: . stratiform lead-zinc, manganese, phosphate and potash, . unconformity uranium, and . sandstone-hosted uranium (Angela-style). At the end of the 4th year of tenure, 74 blocks were identified to be relinquished (the subject of this report), leaving only 72 blocks within EL 24503. Only a reconnaissance visit has been made to the relinquished portion.
Date Added: 27-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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