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Title: Annual exploration report EL 24984, for period ending 19 August 2008, Reynolds River, Litchfield Project
Title Holder / Company: Territory Uranium
Report id: CR2008-0346
Tenure: EL24984
Year: 2008
Author: Page, TB
Abstract: EL 24984 is around 100km southwest of Darwin, within the Litchfield area. EL24984 was granted to Pavalina Henwood on 21st July 2006, and was transferred to Territory Uranium on 21st September 2006. Territory Uranium is exploring EL24984 for its uranium potential, and Ni / PGE potential. In 2006, Chris Carson of the NTGS presented findings on the economic potential of mafic intrusions in the Litchfield Province. Carson (2006) stated that 'the moderate abundance of PGEs may indicate that an early S-saturation event did not occur, enhancing the prospectivity for PGE and Ni mineralisation within the Murrenja Dolerite, west of the Tom Turners Fault.' This area is within EL24984.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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