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Title: Annual exploration report on EL 23383, for the period 22 April 2007 to 21 April 2008, Barrow Creek Project
Title Holder / Company: Astro Diamond Mines
Report id: CR2008-0189
Tenure: EL23383
Year: 2008
Author: McGoldrick, G
Abstract: Exploration carried out over the EL 23383 during the reporting period included further data reviews and compilation of openfile data. In addition a mine management plan was drafted and approved (Authorisation No. 0376-01). The plan covers drilling of 87 RC drill holes and traverses.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL23383_2008_A_04_Figure3_A08.pdf486.52 kBPDF Add

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