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Title: Year 1 annual report for EL 25451 Harts Range 1 Project, for period 22 March 2007 to 21 March 2008
Title Holder / Company: Mithril Resources
Report id: CR2008-0083
Tenure: EL25451
Year: 2008
Author: McKinnon-Matthews, WJ
Abstract: This report presents the work completed during the first year of tenure on the Harts Range Project; a joint venture between Mithril Resources and Oklo Uranium Ltd. The project covers granted Exploration Licences 25451 and 25453. This report details work completed on EL 25451. The Project area straddles the Huckitta and Illogwa Creek 250,000-scale map sheets and is centred about 180 km northeast of Alice Springs, south of the Plenty Highway. Work completed over the tenement area during the first year of tenure includes: A review on the historical work over the project by Oklo Uranium focussed on the uranium prospectivity of the area; Joint Venturing of all commodities outside of uranium to Mithril Resources Ltd; Planning of field programs commencing in April 2008. Planned work during year two over the project will include stream sediment sampling, geological mapping, prospecting, rock sampling and ground and/or airborne geophysics.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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