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Title: Final report for EL 10222 'Pelsart' and relinquishment report for EL 10223 'Cornelius', 22 May 2002 to 21 May 2007, Arunta Project
Title Holder / Company: Tanami Exploration
Report id: CR2007-0307
Tenure: EL10222;  EL10223
Year: 2007
Author: Rohde, C
Abstract: EL's 10222 and 10223 are situated approximately 500 kilometres northwest of Alice Springs and were explored as part of the Arunta project. Both tenements were granted to AngloGold Australia Limited (Anglogold) on 22 May 2002 and were purchased by Tanami Exploration NL (TENL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Tanami Gold NL (TGNL), a publicly listed company in June 2005. After five years of tenure EL10222 was surrendered, as was two thirds of EL10223. This report details the exploration completed within the surrendered tenement areas from 22 May 2002 to 21 May 2007. All field exploration on EL10222 and EL10223 was carried out by Anglogold in the first three years of tenure and is summarised below in Table 1. TENL carried out a data review, which led to the surrender of EL10222 and relinquishment of 214 blocks of EL10223.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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