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Title: Annual report for period 21 October 2005 to 20 October 2006 EL 24566 Ngalia Thrust
Title Holder / Company: Uranium Exploration Australia
Report id: CR2006-0630
Tenure: EL24566
Year: 2006
Author: Sawyer, L
Abstract: Literature research and data 'mining' from available public sources was undertaken for the area of EL 24566 Ngalia Thrust, in order to determine the most suitable foci for vein style mineralization. A brief orientation field trip was conducted and a limited number of surface samples collected and distributed for analysis. A total of nine samples were appraised for uranium and base metals. A maximum result for uranium of 25ppm was achieved from sample Ngalia-4. The highest scintillometer reading was found with Ngalia-8 (1240 c/m). Most samples were granite and showed elevated radiometric activity. UXA carried out a regional orientation program, which included ground proof regional geology, scintillometer traverses and geochemical surface sampling of anomalous 'high' areas, with spectrometer readings of sampled material. This program was carried out in the search for vein style uranium mineralization within fertile structures. Radiometric anomalies and uranium mineralization have been discovered in Carboniferous Mt. Eclipse Sandstone in close proximity to EL 24566 though no substantial source to the mineralisation has been discovered. Suitable sites for more detailed exploration will be determined from further reconnaissance programmes.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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