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Title: Annual exploration report for EL 23383, for the period 22 April 2004 to 21 April 2005
Title Holder / Company: Astro Diamond Mines
Report id: CR2005-0524
Tenure: EL23383
Year: 2005
Author: Bowyer, L
Washburn, K
Abstract: Exploration carried out over the EL23383 during the reporting period included GIS compilations, further data reviews and compilation of openfile data. In the future, radiometric data packages will be acquired and enhanced in order to help pick further targets. The presence of high levels of potassium may indicate hydrothermal alteration. The presence of uranium may be of interest also. The exploration program will necessarily be helicopter supported as there is no mapped access in these areas. Initial reconnaissance will entail rock chip sampling for rare earth geochemistry at various points of interest. Stream sediment or loam samples will be collected to try to reproduce the recovery of chromites for microprobe analysis.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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