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Title: Final report for EL 24379
Title Holder / Company: Paspaley, NTJ
Alterra Services
Report id: CR2005-0417
Tenure: EL24379
Year: 2005
Author: Algie, C
Abstract: A physiographic feature on EL 24379 was investigated to test the possibility of it having resulted from an intrusive event. The aim of the exploration was to find diamondiferous lamproites or kimberlites. The feature was visited once. A ground magnetic traverse was conducted and rock-chip samples were obtained from deeply weathered bedrock exposed in the creek bed that runs through the centre of the feature. The magnetic traverse showed no significant anomaly, and the samples were identified as Gabbro. It was concluded that the feature was not the expression of a diamond bearing kimberlite or lamproite pipe. The exploration license has been surrendered.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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