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Title: Annual report year ending 27-09-1989, Bundey River
Title Holder / Company: CRA Exploration
Report id: CR1989-0781
Tenure: EL6117
Year: 1989
Author: Hamdorf, DJ
Abstract: Follow up of photofeatures found no evidence to suggest that the features were surface expressions of Kimberlite intrusion 6 loam samples reported negative for kimberlitic indicator minerals or microdiamonds. Drainage gravel sampling took place. Chromite found in samples 821620 and 821621 in the south of the EL were believed to have been derived from ultramafic bodies in the Arunta Complex. Chromites returned in the north of the EL can be grouped into 3 clusters-a: the largest cluster is derived from 4 creeks to the east of bundey river b: 2 small cluster in adjacent creeks west of Bundey River-they were interpreted to be shed from a sources hosted by the Dulcie Sandstone.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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