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Title: 2002 Annual report for MCS 38 Gheko Prospect
Title Holder / Company: Central Pacific Minerals
Report id: CR2003-0204
Tenure: MCS38
Year: 2003
Author: Pope, GJ
Abstract: Previous exploration has revealed sulphide mineralisation at the Gheko Prospect. The lead-zinc mineralisation is inferred to be principally sphalerite, with some galena and chalcopyrite associated with magnetite and quartz. The mineralisation appears to be stratigraphically controlled as it occurs in gossanous haematite-actinolite rocks marginal to garnetiferous quartzite with the actinolite rocks. Interpretation of the regional geophysical data shows that the prospect occurs on the northern margin of the more magnetically active terrain of the Sliding Rock Metamorphics south of the Bad Hill Fault. No additional work has been completed since 1997. The potential of the prospect was kept under review during 2002-2993. However, its location and small size, coupled with the prevailing metal prices, the property is to continue for the time being on a care and maintenance basis.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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