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Title: Exploration licences 8118, 8119 and 8166. Victoria River project annual report
Title Holder / Company: Cambridge Consolidated
Report id: CR2000-0293
Tenure: EL8118;  EL8119;  EL8166
Year: 2000
Author: Mazur, G
Abstract: Exploration Licences 8118, 8119 and 8166 are located on the mouth of the Victoria River. The area has been the target for marine diamond exploration. Cambridge has conducted extensive exploration within the area since the time of grant, and has identified exploration targets that need to be followed up. During the reporting period the company has reviewed the data in order to plan future exploration. A programme of proposed future activities has been produced.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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